New Band Feature: Elixir
“Rock with bits,” is how vocalist Jack White describes the sound of his band’s debut EP. White, who’s not at all associated with The...

Thrice to Release New Album Next Year
Hardcore band Thrice have announced that they will be releasing a new record next year. It will be the band’s ninth full-length album....
New Single: 'With or Without You' (Cover) - Amy Lee
Evanescence’s Amy Lee covers U2’s 1987 hit ‘With or Without You’ through evocative gothic elegance, an eerie reverberated vocal echo...

The Ghost Inside Involved in Fatal Bus Crash
The Ghost Inside was involved in a serious automobile accident on 19 November, killing two and injuring ten. The Los Angeles heavy metal...

The Used Announce 15th Anniversary Tour
The Used have announced a UK tour on which they will be playing their first two albums in full to celebrate their 15th Anniversary. The...
PVRIS Cover The Weeknd's 'The Hills'
Frontwoman Lynn Gunn of alternative rock band PVRIS recently covered The Weeknd’s track ‘The Hills’. The performance took place in-studio...

New Artist Feature: Sammy Kettell
Sammy Kettell: ‘I’m not trying to glamorize it or look cool, I’m just being me’ Excited to release his debut single, ‘Grow Old’, to the...

Live Review: Puppy at Independence Festival, UK
If Wheatus and Rage Against the Machine were to have a musical child, their offspring would be London based trio Puppy. While Puppy’s...

New Band Feature: Our Hollow, Our Home
“In one way or another this band has saved every member from a really dark place. It's taken blood, sweat and tears from all of us and...

New Band Feature: Elasea
“We all like cats; we are passionate about cats. Also, we like pizza and the pub.” - as the first words that came to the front of bassist...