Preview: Game of Thrones Season 7

It’s now common knowledge that the season seven premiere of Game of Thrones was delayed until summer to allow production more time for shooting in the snow. Winter is finally coming to the medieval fantasy show and the Night’s Watch can’t keep anyone safe from what’s beyond The Wall. As the second to last outing before the series conclusion, and shortened at only seven episodes, this season is sure to be packed with action, leaving the slow dialogue-based scenes in the dust.
Last we saw, King Tommen committed suicide, Jon Snow was the confirmed son of Lyanna Stark, and Cersei Lannister used wildfire to blast a bunch of main characters to smithereens. Oh, and Arya Stark avenged the deaths at the Red Wedding by feeding Walder Frey dead-son pie and then slitting his throat. That happened.
It seems that season seven will finally see Daenerys Targaryen leaving Slaver’s Bay to wage war on Westeros, as photos from the set have shown the khaleesi and Jon Snow finally meeting. It will be interesting to see their dynamic play out and if they will turn out to be friend or foe. Either way, Daenerys will have the upper hand in the fight for the crown as director Matt Shakman has confirmed that her dragons have now grown to the size of 747 jumbo jets, telling the EW: “Drogon is the biggest of the bunch — his flame is 30-feet in diameter!” Popular theory ringing around the Internet is that one of these giant dragons will be taken down by the White Walkers and revived by the Night King, thus creating an ‘ice dragon’ who plays for the side of the undead.
With only two shortened seasons left before the show’s completion and ultimately the demise of every single character (we assume, *sob*), we still have so many questions. Will Cersei pay for her Wildfire actions? Will Arya ever finish her hit list? Why has Ed Sheeran been cast in a role? WILL JON SNOW EVER KNOW ANYTHING? All this and more...we can’t wait.
Season seven of Game of Thrones will premiere on July 16th.