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To My Favorite Band – On Your Deathbed

You’re probably sitting at home relaxing, and so am I, but I’m listening to your first EP. I know it’s one you’ve always hated, the bad quality, the young voices, but it has meant so much to me. You’ve come so far and so have I, looking back now, how we’ve grown, how we’ve changed. We’re different now, but in that moment we’ll always stay the same.

You brought me through my milestones, my best days and my worst. You expressed the feelings I never could have brought to words and you’ve told my loved ones I loved them with just a simple chord.

You’ve produced that scream I always failed to utter and you let my tears fall alongside your words, reminding me that I was never truly alone. You’ve made me crack that smile when all I ever had was that permanent frown.

We made it through your sophomore slump and that experimental phase where you were just messing about – but just know I was always there for you, cheering you on, the faith in your dismay. You may have wanted to give up, but it wasn’t yet time.

I know now that that time has finally come and I know you’re tired…but I just want you to know it’s okay to rest now. Rest knowing you’ve given me more then you could ever comprehend. Rest knowing that you’ll have an eternal place forever in my life and that you’ll never be truly gone.

We find strength in the hardest goodbyes and comfort in what you’ve given to us along the way.

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