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New Single: Drown by Bring Me The Horizon

Werewolves, hospital patients and vintage microphones all make an appearance in Bring Me The Horizon’s video for their new song ‘Drown.’

The band has just released “Drown” online as their first new single since their enormous success with Sempiternal. The single will be officially released for sale to the public on December 7th.

Bring Me The Horizon shows up clad in new suits for the highly anticipated video. The set is decked out with a vintage feel and a sepia backdrop. In the audience sits what can assumed to be patients dressed in white hospital garb. After a bit of singing and playing come lots of bubbles, and then wait what? The band members begin to gain supernatural powers and drummer Matt Nicholls begins throwing up blue liquid and growing fur. Maybe the whole idea for the video is based off the lyrics “I’m not okay and it’s not alright?” An intermission follows with the nice touch of saxophone muzak, and then a seemingly random exorcism ensues. The video brings a bit of humor to a typically serious song.

Front man Oli Sykes doesn’t even attempt to bring the emotion felt in the track into the video. He only vaguely mouths the vocals when he should be yelling or screaming into the microphone. May it be on purpose or not, the performance takes away a bit of the feeling put into the song.

‘Drown’ is a powerful rock anthem. It starts off hard-hitting with a steady drumbeat and a group melody. Sykes has already shown his talent for clean vocals in past songs such as, ‘And The Snakes Start To Sing,” and this track is no exception. The song is well done with a combination of soft singing and a commanding chorus. Heartfelt and emotional are the only words used to describe the lyrics. The first lines, “what doesn’t kill you, makes you wish you were dead,” put a spin on the classic saying and catches attention right away. The anguish within the words, “save me from myself, don’t let me drown” is suffocating with its weight. Passion behind the lyrics is felt not only in the tone, but in wailing of the guitar and the pounding rhythm as well.

The band denies the opportunities within the song to break into a heavier tone and sticks with a softer feel than their norm. Fans of the band were sure to see this change coming from the variation of certain songs on Sempiternal. ‘Drown’ is reminiscent of ‘Can You Feel My Heart’ more than something like ‘Chelsea Smile.’ Sykes has been screaming and straining his vocal chords for years now, and its bound to have taken a toll. Still, the band will more than likely throw in a few heavy breakdowns on their upcoming record. Hardcore fans of Suicide Season may be upset with the change of pace, but overall it’s refreshing and shows the versatility of the band.

If asked who was singing this song without the video, the normal response would not end in Bring Me The Horizon. It’s a bit of a change from their heavier work, but ‘Drown’ is sure to only build more anticipation for the band’s new material.

Words by Kaitlyn Ulrich

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