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The Story So Far vs Pit Security

This week at Warped Tour, The Story So Far got involved with their pit security when a fan was shoved to the ground for crowd serfing. Warped Tour has taken a stand against crowd serfing this year posting signs on all the stages stating a message along the lines of "you crowd serf, you get hurt, Warped gets sued, no more Warped." In the video the set seems perfectly normal until you notice the male fan being carried up to the front where a pit guard lifts him up over the barrier and uncerimoniously dumps him on his feet. The guard then continues to push the fan over violently. At this time, front man Parker stops the music and jumps from the stage to intervene. A brawl insues between the singer and the guard in which time punches are thrown from both parties. The video ends at the point when both Parker and the guard are dragged apart.

I commend Parker for taking a stand against that kind of behavior against his fan. Even if the fan was in the wrong for crowd serfing should by no means result in being shoved to the ground. The guard should have not let his anger escalate toward the fan. I cannot belive that they were punching Parker in the face for simply standing up against the harsh action. I'm glad that bands out there still care for their fans enough to stand against even Warped security. This whole scenario got way out of hand and I don't believe the Story So Far should be punished for their actions. If anything the guard should be punished for treating a paying fan that way.

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